40 Lesson In 40 Years.
I know, I know, I don’t look a day over 21, but I turn 40 this week. If you know me well, you’ll know that we’re all pretty surprised I got this far, what with my medical history, accident-prone nature, or just general need to do stupid shit.
If you’re reading this on or after Friday, 4th October, I made it. Woohoo!
To mark this special occasion, I thought I’d share some lessons I have learned throughout my life and career.
If you don’t like swearing, you should probably give up reading now.
So without further ado…
My 40 Lessons In 40 Years.
Tell people what you are thinking
The best way is what makes YOU happy and stress-free
Digital is not the be-all and end-all. Paper and pen does the job too.
Not everyone is your friend.
Say ‘No’, say it again, and then say it some more. No, no, fucking NO!
Do things YOUR way.
Don’t be afraid to tell people you love them.
Stay in touch with your friends. Fuck everyone else off.
Keep your distance from the people who zap your energy.
Say FUCK more - off, you, this, that.
Learn new things all the time. New subjects, new locations, new things that make you happy.
Tell the truth.
Plan your work/tasks daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, AND yearly. Plan plan plan.
Feed and love your inner child.
Push your limits!
Remember to take a break before you break.
Eat the cake, drink the wine, and enjoy what you like.
Have lots of sex (Just be careful).
By keeping clients/people in your life who do not make you happy, you just give yourself a prison sentence.
Look after your mental and physical health. They’re both more important than money.
Life is so fucking short. Live it for YOU.
Apple is better than Android.
Get your thoughts out of your head and onto paper. They’re easier to organise there.
If you don’t want kids, that is OK! Having them won’t necessarily make you happy, whatever your family says.
Write everything down. You will forget it otherwise.
You will probably shit yourself at least once in your adult life. You will definitely piss your pants laughing even more.
Go on adventures in the local area or far-off lands.
Tell someone.
Farting is funny, and if you disagree, we just can’t be friends.
Karma will kick their arse, you don’t have to.
The people you love the most will hurt you the most. It may not be intentional, but they will.
Turn your computer off COMPLETELY at least once a week. Standby mode fucks shit up long term.
Surround yourself with people who make you piss yourself laughing and cry happy tears.
Looking for the love of your life? Look right under your nose. They could have been there all this time.
Buy the Crocs. They are comfy as hell!
Multiple screens make it easier to work. My standard setup consists of three large screens and a digital notepad.
Listen to what people are saying. REALLY listen.
Getting into debt for material crap isn’t worth it.
Fuck what everyone else thinks. Do what makes you happy.
Some of these are open to interpretation. Don’t try to figure out what they mean to, or for, me; just use them to help make your life a better and happier place.
If you do want to know what they mean to me, drop me a comment below or on social media, and I’ll let you know.
Heres to levelling up another year and entering my 5th decade!
Much Love,
Dee x