Adapt. Survive. Overcome.
When it comes to making plans, I definitely take after my Gramps. If he'd made plans with you for a certain date and time, he'd be there. Not early, definitely not late, just right on the button. Even at his funeral, he was bang on time. In fact, the family laughed about it.
You knew where you stood with Gramps. It's something that I admired about him and still do. He's been gone 7 years this year but I still fear being late or causing people inconvenience by changing plans.
As a VA, or just as a business owner in general, I have to be on point most of the time. To take time off or block time out can be like a military operation. I knew I was going to be off this Wednesday and only doing part time hours Thursday and Friday so I worked my arse off last night and today to make sure I was ready and everyone was looked after. Only to find out that I wasn't actually going to take time off on Thursday after all.
This really pisses me off. It's just the type of person I am.
I've had counselling to "help" me stop thinking in black and white and to chill out when plans change, but it really gets my goat! You see, I'm a Hippo, so when plans are set, they're set. I've started to work really hard on not letting these things get to me, but they do. I've now put plans in place to Adapt. Survive. Overcome.
Adapting to the situation you can't control is very important. There is no point fighting something you have no control over.
Surviving the news of plans changing. Let's be honest, no one died so is it REALLY that important? I need to start telling myself that out loud.
Overcoming the situation gets easier the more you practice not letting these things get to you.
I think I wrote this blog as a personal FYI to me rather than advice for you lot but I hope you get something out of it too 😉. Let me know if this kind of thing affects you too? Or do you just get over it?
Until next time,
Dee x